The ULPGC is a modern institution with a long academic track record, committed to quality, efficiency and modernity. It has 21 centres, 1 ascribed centre, 42 undergraduate degrees, 18 official postgraduate programs, 5 on-line qualifications, 45 ULPGC masters and university expert programs and 3 special training programs. Research activities reflect the multi-disciplinary nature of our 36 Departments: 12 in engineering and architecture, 11 in science and health sciences, 6 in social and legal sciences and 7 in art and humanities. ULPGC research includes cutting-edge Project in such wide-ranging subjects as oceanography, marine science, aquaculture, computer robotics, nutrition, oncology, ITC, renewable energies, transport economy, business organization, town plan-ning, translation and the history of the Canary Islands, among others.
Furthermore, the UPLGC coordinated a previous TEMPUS project in Tunisia, titled “Gestion et Administration des Service de Relations Internationales Universitaires – GASRIU”. Moreover, the ULPGC is a partner in two other TEMPUS Projects: “Higher Education Network for Human Capital Assessment and Graduate Employability in Armenia”, HEN-GEAR; and “Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekistan” – MATcHES.
Since 2012, the ULPGC is the coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus action 2 Project: CANEM. In 2013, the ULPGC also began coordinating the Erasmus Mundus action 2 Projects: CANEM II as well as UNetBA Project. Within the same year, the ULPGC became partner in the Erasmus Mundus action 2 Project: TIMUR; and IMPAKT in the following year.
In 2014, the ULPGC was awarded with the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships MODCLIM Project “Strategic Partnership for the Development of Training Workshops and Modelling Clinic for Industrial Mathematics”. In 2015 under the Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity Building in the field of HE, the ULPGC was awarded three additional projects: ReVET, MIND and PONCHO with South-Asia, Central Asia and Latin America respectively while, in 2016 the Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE INSTART project with North-African region was selected for funding. Within the same year, the ULPGC became partner in the Erasmus+ KA2 Project ROAD. During the following year, the ULPGC was also awarded with another E+ CBHE ARROW Project and another project under the E+ Sport call: MOVE. Furthermore, the ULPGC participated as a partner in the E+ Cross sectorial Strategic Partnership Pupil Health and Well Being Project, which focused on strengthening the training path of future school educators to enhance education for pupils thus leading them to healthier lives.